Artwork Guidelines

The following guidelines and requirements will help you make sure your company artwork is ready for printing. For more about color labels for your PFC case, click here.
For best results, the files should be created at 300 DPI resolution. Files with a higher DPI are acceptable but will not produce better quality. Anything lower may produce undesired outcomes.
All files should be designed and submitted in CMYK mode (not RGB) for best results.
Please make sure all placed/linked graphics and images are embedded.
All fonts should be outlines (Vectors) or flattened prior to submission. Fonts should be at least 4pt (.055”)
1/16” bleed is needed around the perimeter of your label artwork. A bleed is where the background design or color carries beyond the edge of the label. This allows for minor shifts while the label is being cut out.
A clear space of 1/8” should be allow inside the finished size. This means nothing should encroach this space except for colors/patterns which extend to provide the “bleed” as mentioned above.
Be sure to check all artwork for spelling or typing mistakes – we do NOT proofread work.
other formats
Please email your artwork to your sales person or Upon receipt of your art work your sales person will contact you regarding pricing.